I went to the doc for allergy medicine. The medicine I took ended up burning my esophagus, "AAAAAAHHHHHH! The pain!" I ended up in the ER where I drank a flurry of pain killers that, for a short while, eased the pain which eventually came back. So, I was fasting, not sleeping, and praying for some healing. Right now I feel great and I think it is nothing short of a miracle to have gone from such debilitating pain to a measure of normalcy in such a short amount of time. As a result, of my medical drama, I am behind in my preparations for school. However, I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself. It will all come together.
This next story is dedicated to Spencer who I have feeling would really enjoy it.
So, I'm walking in the door and I hear an anxious Randy calling me from the basement,
"Your going to have to identify this spider for me," he says. "Oh! It's a wolf spider! Wow! The largest one I've ever seen! They are so cool! They make funnel webs," I inform him. I speak like a researcher with admiration not fear for the spider.
While I ran off for the camera Randy got a big stick to push the curtain back so I could get a better shot, but the spider freaked out and attacked us like we were in some crazy monster thriller from the 50's. The spider jumped and raced towards us. I lost all the my cool science babe composure and started screaming, "AAAAAAHHHHH!"
Randy whacked it with the stick.
I think it might rain . . . A LOT!
Anyway, I wished there was some way to catch and release the critter, but we're chicken shits. I'm sorry. I'm an accomplice.
A victim of involuntary spider slaughter
died on August 30, 2007.
He was a marvel among spiders for his great size which was slightly larger then a milk cap. Family members have not been identified (but we're pretty sure there's a lot of them). Memorials can be sent to the Spider Catch and Release Program, or The Society for Spider Tolerence.