First stop was Shoe Carnival where I found the funniest Skechers, which will be perfect to wear Oct 31 - Nov 2 during Dia De Los Muertos or The Day of the Dead.
In Mexico the people remember the dead as still enjoying life on the other side. To keep at the front of your mind that your loved one is dead the deceased are represented as skeletons, but they are doing activities that they might have enjoyed while alive. I plan on doing some art like that done by artist Jose Posada. My shoes will be jolly fun to wear during those lessons. Also, I really don't like Halloween but these will get me in the mood.

We passed by the little October fest downtown. Randy said he wasn't eating there if it was just beer and brats. That's all they offered so we went for Indian food and had dinner at Shalimar. The food was sooooo good we came out with busting guts, and we split a meal! I had a mango margarita, hulwa for desert (warm carrots puree with cardamon and honey) and the other foods well . . . I couldn't pronounce the names, but we made excellent choices and we can't wait to go back. In fact I'm sure we'll have one of those craving attacks for Indian food. FYI Shalimar is a girl's name and it means "garden of flowers."
Then we went to the fair trade store and I bought a little beaded ring and then we went to the comic store. I was looking for a comic about Hell, Michigan out of curiosity, but they didn't have any copies (flying off the shelf when they did have it last year) then I started thinking about my English students and asked about a school age appropriate superhero comic. I found Spider Girl, but it wasn't rocking my world. While the clerk and I searched, I found Glister. He said it is new and has received an excellent review. Glister is a young girl who is a magnet for the weird and unusual. One day in the mail she received a haunted teapot!
The vocabulary in the comic is perfect! Recently I have been encouraging my students to watch Word Girl on PBS Kids, to boost the their vocabulary. But Glister is better because you have to read. Reading, now there's a concept. Inside Glister there are words like: nonetheless, wretched, educational facility, exceptional, intention, worst, luxury . . . Also, the illustrations are cute.
Aren't I a fun teacher?