Elizabeth held a winter white party and all us girls showed up in our sparkles and "ice."
Maripat came "glammed" out, old Hollywood style, in a scarf, glasses, and gloves.
We gave each other a French bise (air kisses near the cheek)and dished out flattery over each other's attire and jewels. It was just marvelous.
AH! But Elizabeth's dinner, a spiritual experience, was absolutely gourmet. It all began with mushroom soup which Melissa dove into. Yumma Yumma.
Getting away from the white, Elizabeth made a mash of carrots and turnips (two bunches of chopped boiled carrots, one large boiled turnip, a pinch of sugar, and plenty of butter). Yes! Root vegetables are food of the Gods! It was pure bliss for our turnip virgins. I've had a turnip in pasties when I couldn't find rutabagas, but can't remember them tasting so good.
We ate red skins, salad with pignolies (pine nuts), green beans, and chicken in wine, the recipe of which came straight from the French cookbook.
Plenty of laughter filled the air along with a humble and tear filled prayer of gratitude for such priceless and beautiful friends.