Top: Adrian City Band
Bottom: My good buddy Mikkie after the concert. She plays French horn.
I know there are many out there that want to limit the government's role in daily life.
I get their argument. However, there are some institutions and organizations designed for the "benefit of society." Here in Adrian we have "The City Band." Our band is the oldest continually running city band in the nation. The purpose of the band is not to hold this title, but to grace our community with the rare and charming opportunity to hear live music performed in a lovely outdoor setting.
This little town I live in gets under my skin at times. I cringe when I see historic neighborhoods decaying, when the city "muthers" give permission to builders to raise structures that don't compliment the historic charm of our community, and when citizens don't maintain their sidewalks, but embellish their homes with cheesy Dollar-Mart goods.
Fortunately, we do have some lovely community treasures not least of which is a really nice park system which at Tressel Park includes an attractive pavilion for the Adrian City Band.
I admit that I don't get to the concerts like I want, but it's nice to think that community members have the wonderful opportunity to hear live music to salve and sooth their busy lives.
So, if there was anyone who thought the expense of a band pavilion was a bad idea they were wrong.