Ugg! Managing my life is tough! Now I have added a new blog and I'm having trouble separating my identities. Suddenly I can't be springgirl anymore because I haven't figured out how to create separate personal profiles for each site. I don't want anyone who doesn't know I'm springirl to find out I am springgirl. Suddenly I understand the life of a superhero. Living with two distinct identities, trying to keep them separate from each other.
It seems sometimes that my life requires supernatural powers to get through the freakin day. Often at the end of the day I am feeling like I am in need of some super human strength to get it all done.
All this superhero talk has inspired me to listen to Soft Bulletin by the Flaming Lips.
"Is it getting heavy?"
"Well, I thought it was already as heavy as can be."
"Tell everybody waiting for Superman that they should try to hold on the best they can.
He hasn't dropped them, forgot them, or anything.
It's just too heavy for Superman to lift."
I'm no hero, but sometimes it feels like I'm expected to do miracles like Superman.
If it weren't for those really fun moments of flying I'd stop, but . . . when I'm not being chased or I'm not chasing the flying is . . . breathtaking.
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