It's been a long time since I've updated because my life has been overflowing with activity. Most of the activities have been required and worthwhile, but they have demanded an enormous amount of my time. The result is that there are parts of my life that I miss and crave with a deep hunger, like running. But, we are winding down the end of Kadie's senior year and it is bittersweet. Therefore, her schedule takes precedence over any of my wants.
We went from basketball to track with only two weeks in between. There have been three major art shows associated with the school within a two month span, and there is always my crazy three curriculum schedule.
I applied for grad school, but missed the deadline. However, I will start classes in the fall under non-graduate status and my graduate application packet will be reviewed in the fall for acceptance at EMU.
I went with Gwen and Beth to A2 over spring break and bought some fun things. I visited a button store, and a new fancy tea shop. I found two really special buttons, a glass tea pot warmer, fancy yummy teas, and a new gingerbread cookie cutter that looks like Big Boy streaking in a "keep on truckin'" gesture.
Keep checking for updates and go to to see some fantastical work by my students.
Love and miss you all.
I didn't know you were into tea! We should go to the Tea house in Sylvania sometime...and of course bring Melissa and any of the girls ;-)
Wow, grad school?! That's no small feat. Now you and Kadie can empathize with each other in the fall. Hope to see you soon!!
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