For several years I have been trying to visit my friends Dale and Ester to see their award winning irises. I finally made it over there yesterday. The cool weather has been perfect for the flowers so that they are staying in bloom longer, happy to show off all their charms. Irises are women in couture ball gowns. When a polite wind blows they gracefully accept a dance.
I have learned that is is worthwhile to get to know growers of specific species. I learned so much about irises. I now have a better understanding about flower form, soil preparation, weather conditions, fertilization, maintenance, cross pollination, seed production, hybridizing, and photography.
My favorite part though, was the romance. I can't tell you haw sweet it is to see a man so in love with flowers. My father loved roses and it was the sweetest thing to see him smitten by roses and so eager so buy them for my mother. One Valentines Day when he was so ill I drove him to every flower shop in town so he could buy her roses.
I asked Dale if he was sad when the irises faded, and he said yes he was and that he would be so happy if they stayed in bloom all summer.
He sent me home with an arm full of flowers. They smell so sweet.
It was such a beautiful MAGICAL time. Weather conditions were perfect.
I also learned a bit about peonies. Dale has a nice collection, even a yellow variety. He had some beautiful colors, but some don't smell or they smell icky. I now know I only want the sweetest smelling ones.
On my way home I drove past a yard sale that had a round table top. It is just too weird. I have been talking about that I want a dinning table "for two" to put on the patio. I know it seems like I could just go and buy a table, but I have this old beat up Duncan Phyfe tripod table leg I have been wanting to paint and convert into a patio table. I priced out table tops at Lowe's and had in my mind committed to purchasing it even though it was more than I wanted to pay. The one I bought at the sale was nicer (it's oak) and cost almost half as much as the one at Lowe's. I think the yard sale people were surprised it even sold.
Yay for me (and my fantasy). It's nice to not have to cut my losses on another dream.
Irises are women in couture ballgowns. That's beautiful, Heidi. Just beautiful. Love the photos, including your new profile shot!
so beautiful! I have a few little yellow ones blooming in my yard and am very pleased. :) I'm assuming that you are artgardener that commented on my blog. I miss you too and of course you can refer people to my blog :) the more the merrier reading my nonsense. I'm doing the art a licious fair again so I will definitely see you in september.
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