On the other side of the block I took notice of a rose bush growing high into the branches of a cluster of trees. If the rose hadn't been in bloom I wouldn't have noticed it.
Do you have the heart and eyes to see/read the lesson in the sight?
What I saw was that the gardener had planted the rose in the wrong spot. But the earth, rain, and sun provided enough nourishment to feed the rose's growth.
What about the trees? They seem to be the dominate force. They are competitors, but the rose finds support in their branches.
Reluctant support and dependence.
What about the gardener? Well, sometimes those who should take care of us don't do their job . . . and we still manage to persevere and bloom. This is the exception, not the rule.
In spite of obstacles and neglect will I persevere and bloom?
I just read a book that urged the readers to tend to the neglected parts in their lives. I see the gardener and rose in me. I see where I have neglected the "rose" in me, the fragrant colorful blossoming part, and the roots.
The rose in this photo needs to be transplanted somewhere with less obstruction and more space to be a rose. The odd coincidence is that lately, I have been thinking a lot about pruning back my possessions and "digging up my roots" and moving because I need a better space to tend to my potential.
What a wonderful post. Goes against the old adage of "bloom where you are planted" huh? Sometimes you need to uproot where you're planted and move a mile down the road.
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