The story of orange.
The orange chakra is associated with creativity. Gwen says she thinks of me as "orange." But after losing my job I felt like I had lost my bright and orangy nature.
I felt a great shifting gravitation from some colors to others. It felt like I was entering a new season, and that I might never enjoy orange like I once did. Over these past few years some of my prayers were, "Heavenly Father, you control the seasons (spiritually and earthly) and you provide for everything. Only you can make something out of nothing. You provide me with the materials to create. You made me a creator in your image. What would you have me do? Where would you have me go?" I wanted God to place me somewhere that would satisfy worldly ideals.
My gut went spastic in February and early March. I had to go to the doctor and get anti-spasmodic pills. (Remember the lower abdomen is where the orange chakra space is.) I must have caught virus (remember I saw my sister-in-law who had started a rug that inspired me) During my 3-4 weeks of gut problems I made a rug. By the time I had finished the rug, in my heart I had written a hopeful list of future projects. I was GIVEN an orange themed birthday, and I was GIVEN the inspiration to create. I saw orange coreopsis seeds and an orange primrose. I was hoping a certain someone was going to GIVE it to me, but someone didn't and that is another part of the story because I yearn and pray for support for my creativity. When external support for my creative self isn't "there" I get anxious and then I don't support myself very well. Be a Big Cat (Tiger - I was born the year of the tiger) not a cub Heidi! I gave myself the coreopsis seeds.
Inside the lovely bag was orange tea, an orange scented candle, citrus gum,
chocolate orange candy bars (the best I have ever eaten),
and the most beautifully fragrant orange patchouli body cream.
Kadie and Dan sent me these beautiful flowers for my birthday.
I finally hung my grandma's old lusterware wall pocket.
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