Not sure what to eat? You know where to find and answer! I love letter shaped green beans.
Kale Chips
Pre-heat oven to 350. Wash and dry kale. Rub kale with olive oil and place on a cookie sheet. Bake for 10 to 20 minutes or until kale is crispy. Serve with vinegar.
27 lb butternut type squash baby. I love looking like a farmer!!!! I took a smaller baby home and made squash lasagna. It is so tasty.
Super Storm Sandy caused sleet for us folks in SE Michigan. It was a freaky day to work on the farm. I am so happy I was there to mark the event. I think of Super Storm Sandy as a math equation.
S cubed plus moon equals God is our help in times of trouble.
It's a treat to see Tricksters. Jake made Dominic's costume.
My buffet decorated for Autumn.
Honey comb jar, Roman harvest muse, two year old pumpkin vine (grown by Gwen), old German beer stines, wicker cornucopia filled with farm produce, 
my new lovely antique crocheted buffet runner (love it!!!!), and sweet potato pecan pie.
Sweet Potato Pecan Pie
Serves 6 - 8
2 lbs or 1.5 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes (boiled or roasted)
3 eggs
1/4 c. butter
3/4 c. light corn syrup
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 t. vanilla
1/8 t. salt
1 c. pecans ( a half cup of the pecans a can be chopped and mixed into filling or all of the pecans can be kept whole)
1 - 9" unbaked pie shell
Cook potatoes until tender and mash. Cool slightly. Pre-heat oven to 350. Add all ingredients except 1/2 cup of whole pecans. Pour into pie shell and decorate with remaining whole pecans. Bake 1 hour.
This pie doesn't try to imitate pumpkin pie. No spices are added to mask the lovely sweet potato flavor.
Yummy pie.
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