First some background information.
1. Before we left I saw an episode of Seinfeld where George decides to do everything he would ordinarily not do. I get in my head I should try this. I make a few attempts, but quickly fall into my old way of reacting to things. Also, did you know I saw no celebrities in NYC?
2. For my first class we had a listening activity. We went to three different locations and listened carefully to the sounds in the environments. While we listed what we were hearing I wrote a few impressions like: "I can't hear that ant down there," and "I take very little time to consider what I sound like."
My teacher tells the class that is we have a chance we should check out the wineries in the area. There is even one owned by Madonna's father and one year some of her students saw Madonna at the winery with her daughter.
3. Day two of my class includes photo-transfer. One of my classmates does a transfer of a photo she brought of her and the band No Doubt. I tell her, "I'm not a star struck person but I would be excited to meet Gwen Stefani."
4. Later Randy and I (yes Randy is with me)took a long drive looking for a drink. We went all the way up to the Leelanau peninsula and then back to town. i was driving downtown and I told Randy, "This is a bad idea. this requires that I parallel park which I can do but there are a lot of people down here and . . ."
Then we saw a celebrity standing in the road. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled "Get the camera." "I don't know where it is," he shot back. I drove around the corner found an easy parking place and we switched seats. I found the camera and when we came up to the celebrity Randy said, "Get out and take a picture." "Get out?" I asked and did what he said. I took a picture of him signing an autograph and then I gave my camera to a lady to take a picture with the celebrity. I turned to him and said "Have a wonderful summer and thank you for the story Roger." "Roger he chuckled in disgust. The lady who took the picture ran after me and said, "His name is Micheal." Like maybe he was offended, but my mistake.
It was Michael not Roger Moore (007). Like how could I make that mistake?
Moral: I can get star struck, and I am in denial about my own ridiculousness.
FYI I'm not really a fan, but what a great story.
that would be a failblog!
OK, THAT is hilarious. What a fun time for you, Miss Heidi!
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