It is no joke, (but we laugh about it anyway) that drama (the quirky, absurd, and shocking kind) occurs in our neighborhood. Well, pretty much just at our house. It is like our home is a powerful magnet attracting the "strange."
For those who regularly read my blog you will note that on August 25, 2007 I made complaint about the shoes hanging in front of my house. During my recent trip to NYC I snapped a photo of shoes hanging in Manhattan, and then discovered on July 4th that we had acquired the history behind the shoes. Consequently, I had an emotional turn around and became nostalgic about the shoes. I expected them to fall to the ground someday during a windy snowstorm (blow down).
Well! Yesterday some crazy dude came flying down the road, lost control and crossed to the other side of the street and jumped the curb, ran over our young tree, smacked into the telephone pole, which vaulted the tail end of his truck up and over my picket fence (only three were damaged), and landing perpendicular to the original direction of travel. NO ONE WAS KILLED. People could have died. There are always people on my corner walking by. Anyway, the truck was totaled. The dude got out of his truck with only a few scratches and said, "What happened?" I really think he had a weird spiritual experience. (This reminds me, I felt the earth move on Sunday - really it was strange like some great shift had occurred). It was a near death experience.
Today the pole was replaced. A funny experience happened with one of the workers. He came to inform me of something (power might go out, move my car), but I wouldn't let him talk. I eventually explained that I was having a problem with this screw in one of my yard chairs. He knelt down and took care of it (like a sweet heart) so I ran inside and paid him with some white chocolate, cherry, macadamia nut cookies I made yesterday.
And then it occurred to me that some people will truly work for food. If I could provide a man with meals I could get some things done around hear. Wait! Shit! Isn't that supposed to be my husband? I was happy to relay the story of the kind man, (who came with a new strong pole), to Randy who fixed my bike and helped put up the door today:)
OH! The hanging shoes are gone.
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