Friday, October 29, 2010

HA HA HAlloween

Kids if I embarrassed you, well I'm sort of sorry . . . I'm over it.

Go have some scary flashbacks here.

I have been thinking a lot about fears lately. Fear is beneficial in that it protects us from harm. But some fear is irrational, can result in stress, anxiety, phobias, avoidance, neglect.

I have a fear of Numbers - Measuring and sums or bottom lines seem constricting. I do have a favorite equation that is considered a paradox. In the equation one can see our relationship to GOD. It is a sacred equation.

I have a fear of Wasting Food - It seems unconscionable to waste food. However, sometimes throwing away food points to the Divine. There are times when food seems so miraculously abundant that it reminds me of Jesus feeding the five thousand. We seem to throw away more scraps than food brought in to share.

I have a fear of Wasting Time - I think people don't have a healthy respect for time.

I have a fear Appearing Ostentatious - I abhor inflated ego and appearing like I care more about stuff than people.

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