Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Can, Can

The farmers are most generous and send me home with loads of fresh produce. To get the most out of these healthy treats I have had to beef up my canning skills. I haven't been canning in 20 years.  But with the help of friends I have a colorful pantry.

I had two big bins of tomatoes which I turned into jars of stewed, spaghetti sauce, and tomato jam.  The jam is more like a dipping sauce for crackers or tortilla chips.  It is definitely a specialty item to give as gifts. 

After peeling and seeding I had these two big containers of tomatoes. 

I also canned beans at Amy's house.  Beans require a pressure cooker which I do not have.  The pressure cooker makes things go fast.

While we waited for the beans to seal Amy played me a song on their pump organ.  So wonderful and nostalgic.

Here are the beautiful beans.

Then I went to Elizabeth's to make red pepper jelly.  Elizabeth has a science degree and it really shows when she cooks.  She isn't a bit timid about experimenting with flavors.  We made several batches of red pepper jelly using a variety of different vinegars.  We used white, white wine, apple cider, and balsamic.  The balsamic didn't jell but it makes a fine red pepper reduction.

I had Mikkie try the tomato jam and she was really impressed.  She said she could eat a jar by herself in one sitting. 

Not all the veggies are in jars.  My freezer is full, too. 

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