Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day!!!!


Last year in March I got out the umbrellas I had been collecting to turn into sunbrellas.  I gave them a good washing to get them ready for transformation, but it wasn't until recently that I got around to transforming one.  I was inspired by a Holly Hobby candy jar (below) and by May Day. 

Valorie and I have been exchanging May Baskets for 20 years I think.  She loves Holly Hobby, and she is very sensitive to the sun so a parasole is something she really needs.  On an old umbrealla I painted Forget-me-nots and a design at the top, sewed on trim, sewed on flower sequins and beads, I wood burned a new nob for the end (with her name on it and a For-get-me-not), filled the candy jar with little cookies cut in the shapes of Forget-me-nots and umbrellas, and in the basket I put in camomile tea, and Forget-me-not seeds.

I haven't a lot of expierience painting on fabric.  I'm not feeling really confident about it . . . oh well.

I hope she likes it all.  I had a fun putting it together. 

I think we passed each other on the road.  It's funny.  I imagined us creeping around the neighborhood bumping into each other, head down, like we don't know each other, "Excuse me."  "Pardon me."  Hee Hee so fun!

When I got home there was a basket on my porch.

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