Wednesday, October 24, 2007

WASP stands for . . .

Wieldy Aggravating Stinging Pest

Sorry Sister I was in the hospital again! &^%$@!!!!
Last week I went honey extracting and at one point I was standing in a swarm of bees, kinda freaky but I never felt threatened.
Ironically, on Sunday I went to an Antique show with Randy and was stung by a wasp. I went to the bathroom, sat down and was immediately stung. Yes, it was a wasp because I killed it.

I had an allergic reaction- no big deal it's usually gone in 24 hours. But no not this time, I got an infection the size of a dessert plate on my thigh. It was hard, hot, and really itchy.

Now I will scream whenever I see a flying insect because I might get stung and that can be really expensive. The cost of medications alone . . . grrrrrr.

I'm kinda sorry I killed it so quickly. I wish I would have suffocated it in a baggie for a little while, fed it just a little poison, then burned it with a match, stretched it on a rack, pulled its parts off one by one, and then finally, stomped on it! (It's Halloween what can I say?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wowee! That sounds super painful. And what an unfortunate place for it to happen. Glad you're on the mend, miss.