Friday, April 27, 2012

Kite Flying

I took the grand kids kite flying over spring break.  Once their kite was up they climbed to the top of the sledding hill and let their string out.
Sometimes the kite sank and they were frustrated at having to wind it up.  It isn't exactly fun, but I don't think winding up string should diminish taking a "risk" of having their kite fly very high.

Sometimes we are like that, afraid of having to tidy up some minor yet unpleasant mess. 
Don't use the nice china you will have to wash it, buy paper.
Don't cook the lasagna, buy frozen.
Don't jump in a pile of raked leaves.

I have a pretty "complete" kite flying bag, but this time I realized I wanted something new, gloves.  I want leather gloves with the finger tips missing.

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