Friday, February 22, 2013

Holy Blue Blossoming

The color blue has been a source of contemplation for awhile.  I respect blue, but would have a hard time living in a blue house with a strong blue decor.  I don't have a lot of blue clothes, but I am always looking for something the "right color" of blue. 

There is such a color as Holy Blue - it comes in a variety of shades and hues.  Maybe I should say blue can have a kind of holiness about it, suggesting the prescence of Divinity. 

And then . . . these lovely objects were given to me by Gwen and Mike.  They are earthy, sacral, and elegant.  They were made by Theresa Gong.  I have admired Gong's work for sometime (thanks to Gwen).  But even before knowing of Gong's work I have loved the look of beautifully executed sgraffito.  At Adrian College I once made a blue and white sgraffito vase.  It combined my two favorite ceramic techniques: hand building and sgraffito.  But it lacked the skillfulness I admire so I got rid of it. 

The blue decoration, on the tea pot and cups of water dwelling dragonflies seems like intracate lacework or papercutting.  The representation of dragon flies, I think, tells a lot about the maker/artist, the giver,  and the recipient of these lovely objects.  Change.  Completed development. Life is art, lived in full expression, in spite of the environment.  (This reminds me of Academy award nominated documentary "Inocente" which is a coming of age tale about a young artist.)

When I make tea in the pot and drink it from the cup the three of us - maker, giver, reciever are communing together. 

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