Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pinecone on Skates

The grandkids say I look like a pinecone in my snow suit; I really filled it out this year.  (It was encouraging to learn that Princess Grace struggled with her weight.)  After getting a shot in my foot for plantar fac . . . I was able to skate.  My first outing was at Adrian College.  This picture was taken the night of New Years Day in Jacob's back yard.  He put in a little rink and is already thinking of biggerin for next year.  Still, it is a good size for brushing up on your balancing skills. 

This was the first year the grandkids came over for New Years Eve.  We played wii and I got exhausted and fell asleep before the ball dropped.  Does the ball click up the rest of the year?  I woke up when the grandkids were screaming and making racket, I sent them on the porch with horns, hats, and vintage clanging things. 

I think when they are older they will really appreciate the ways we live well.

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