Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Teachers in black

Today was the first day of school. It was a little ironic that 90% of the staff was wearing black. I da da-ed the funeral march "da da dada da da da da da da da." "Good bye summer we loved you."
Still, today was a beautiful day. It was nice to see the kids and feel the possibilities for a great year.
Yesterday was Jeff's first football game. His team lost, but Jeff played well.
Our dryer broke down so we had to use the clothes line. The line stretched under the added weight, but Randy went to the garage and dug out the grooviest clothesline props given to him by his mom. What a charming antique, aye?


Unknown said...

You and Randy. So damn innovative, I tell you. Sorry we missed you at the BBQ, but upon hearing of the Porta-John tales, I lamented a tidge less. Not much. Just a tidge. :o)

DD said...

That is hilarious that you all were wearing black!!