Sunday, July 15, 2007

Local Treasures

Yesterday I went to the local farmers' market and bought fresh bread. This was artisan bread for sure! It's not just the name of the company that suggests "art" although "Groovy Grains" is a good clue. No! This bread was art because the artist freshly ground her Certified Chemical Free Prairie Gold Montana Wheat just before baking. I asked how this could be done. Did she have a big stone and windmill in her backyard? NO! She has an electric mill.

I purchased "Emma's Oatmeal Bread" which was made with filtered water and Raw Unfiltered Michigan Honey.

About the bread. Well, having freshly ground wheat does make a difference. If you have discriminating taste you will know. It is the difference between Maxwell house and freshly ground beans from Panama (just had this and it was a heavenly treat-you could taste tropical flowers I'm not kidding!), a hot house tomato and a warm fresh tomato off the vine, frozen fruit and fresh fruit, soy soap and Dove (yes the soy is better, there's a lady at farmers' market who makes soy soap that makes my body and soul happy), canned corn and fresh corn on the cob (locally grown of course).

I know my friends and family think I live in isolation free from all the finer pleasures of life, but they would be wrong. I do get out, and my small little community does offer some remarkable treasures, kindred spirits and amazing bread.

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