Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Quiet Want is Statisfied

When I was a child my parents had a creche that they had bought in Europe while on one of my father's military tours. 

I loved the creche with is paper mache' figures and wooden stable.  I loved moving the figures around and studying the faces trying to imagine how they felt. 

One year my parents had a flood and all but one figure was destroyed. 

In France the nativity set is the focal point rather than a tree.  I like this idea. 

I have always wanted my own "formal" nativity set (I bought a wooden one for the kids to play with and I added figures I cut with a jigsaw and painted) -an old one like the one I meditated over. 

I have almost bought a new set on several occasions, but I haven't been completely convinced by any I have seen until today.  Returning from the farmers market (happy as bird after rain) I went past a yard sale and on the porch was this sweet Italian set.  The owner asked $8.00.  So I biked home, grabbed the car and some money and bought it. 

 After house cleaning I picked some old packing material out of the moss, brushed off the pieces with a brush and gently took off the thick dirt with a swab and water.
Then I climbed into my closet looking for my angel ornament box in which I have the one salvaged piece from the nativity set of my childhood.  The angel holds a banner that  says "Gloria."

At St. Stephen's we want to have nativity sets as table decorations for the Advent tea we are hosting.    I have a nostalgic one to provide. 

I am so happy about this object.  God provides for my wants, too.

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