Friday, July 17, 2009


I hope you like the new picture of me on my dashboard. The blue Huffy was my mother's. She bought it at an auction many years ago. The purchase upset my father who thought she spent too much money. I don't think she spent too much, but she got into a bidding war and ended up winning. I was there and thought it was funny that she won. Rock on Ma!
My mother never road the bike as much as she wanted, a few other complicated emotions and the bike ended up being neglected. She said she felt bad that she had "let it go" and the pain of seeing its rust and flat tires motivated her to give it to me. I don't know exactly when it was that she gave it to me, but it was two or more years.
It has been hanging in my garage and last week I got the idea to assess the damage and work toward repairing it. Randy took it down and removed the tires. He pumped up the tubes and I checked them for leaks. The tubes were good, but the tires were rotted and rust had covered the rims.
The cruser got a good wash and a scrub to remove the dirt and rust, new tires and a European market basket.
I love her. She doesn't have a name yet. I thought about calling her Heidi2.
She's been around the block a few times, but she is still fun to ride:)

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