Monday, July 6, 2009

NYC Day1 Part 2

We met up with J and had a beer in a pub that is below street level. J introduced me to Stella Beer. Stella means "Star," (what a coincidence). Over beer we discussed Mother Teresa's sainthood and her supposed three postmortem miracles. The question is: Can an appearance on toast really be considered a miracle?

For dinner we went to a Japanese Bar-B-Que. There was a grill right at our table. We ate wonderful pieces of beef. I loved the beef tongue. Htomi is a wonderful cook.

After dinner we headed for dessert.

The sky was full of crazy weird clouds that would be considered a rare sight anywhere on the planet.

Who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters!

On the way we saw shoes hanging over a wire. It felt just like home to me. Footnote: There are shoes on a wire outside my house. Jacob recently revealed that he knows whose shoes, and when they ended up on the line. I learned that they have been up there for 5 and a half years! Those are amazing shoes laces!

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